You gave your life to Jesus?  Welcome home!  So where do you go from here?

Firstly, you have to understand that you will be a work in progress, as are we all. No one is perfect; so don't expect instant maturity in your faith (from yourself or anyone else). So here's a basic guideline or map that you can follow to get you going in the right direction on your new journey:

PRAYER - Prayer is just simply talking to Father God every day from the heart.

WORSHIP - Worship is singing praise songs to your Creator and Redeemer.

STUDY - Study the Bible every day. Start with the New Testament.

FELLOWSHIP - Find a good church to fellowship with other Believers.

The speed of your growth and the depth of your intimacy with the Creator will directly correspond with the amount of time you spend praying, worshipping, studying and fellowshipping with other Believers. If you can, find someone who is willing to disciple you (take you under their wing). Spend time with friends that share your faith. Listen to Bible teaching online on YouTube. Search for Greg Laurie or Mike Winger (two good teachers). We have a YouTube channel with great Praise and Worship music called Shekinah Praise. Listening to good wholesome music will strengthen your heart, and draw you closer to God!

This web site is provided by Freedom Quest in Colorado Springs, Colorado. If you are ever in our neck of the woods, drop by and say, "Hi!" We would love to meet you and help you on your journey in any way we can! God bless you as you endeavor to seek Him with your whole heart!